Defense and Space are one of the best aerospace distributors and manufactures in the industry. They are always figuring out was to diversify themselves from the competitor and that is what always them to be at the top of the market. Recently, they contracted Neptec Design Group and are beginning to design a radar laser that’s gives an extra-terrestrial imaging. They are going to install these in the pilot, which will bring the landing navigation system to another level. There have been some prototypes that have been started already and things are going as planned. Not only will this laser going to help the navigation system, but this new Lidar technology will help guide autonomous mobile platforms for terrestrial.
Discovering and learning new things about our solar system can be a great help to how our future is and how certain things happen, how to prevent things, or why things happen. When this laser is all done, they are going to launch it to the south polar region of the moon, some land that has never been touched before. With this vehicle autonomy, we are going to be able to look at things that can affect the planet earth and ways to prevent certain things to happen. Lidar technology is going to be a huge benefit to inform and give us visual of things we have not seen or known before.
With this launch they will be able to compete with Russia space agency, who saw the first site of human habitat on the moon. This laser can bring the images to another level and will be more clear to determine the little things that cannot be usually seen. Hopefully if things go as planned this will be launched in 2021. They are researching many things to find a way to land safely and an area where they can be mobile to the discovery of new things.
All these parts that are going to be on this new Lidar Technology have been certified and tested because one little thing can end the 10 year project and they will have to start all over. Here at ASAP Semi we only sell tested and certified aircraft parts to assure that our customer is safe and happy.
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